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Reiki: About

Courses for 2024/2025

REIKI I Workshop and Attunement

A one day course to introduce you to the healing energies of Reiki. You will learn about the history and background to Reiki, how and where it can be used, its benefits, how to use it on yourself and others and you will receive your attunements. I will guide you through the energy centres of the body and how they affect you and your life. There will be plenty of time for questions and practice,

By the end of the day you will have learnt exactly what Reiki is and how it can be used, you will have knowledge of the energy centres. You will have participated in gentle meditation and you will feel confident in using Reiki energy on yourself, family and friends.

You will receive full course notes and certificate confirming your completion of the course.

To book your course please contact me.

The course will run from  9.30 am -5pm at The Healing Room, Shoreham by sea,
please arrive at 9.30 so we can start promptly at 9.45 and we will finish at approximately 5pm.
Lunch and snacks provided.

The cost of this one day course is £180

A non refundable deposit of £50 secures your place.

Dates for Reiki I 2025

Saturday 15th February - fully booked

Saturday 8th March - fully booked
Saturday 19th April - nearly full

Saturday 14th June

Saturday 19th July

Saturday 23rd August

Saturday 13th September

Saturday 25th October

Saturday 15th November 


REIKI II Workshop and Attunement

After completing your Reiki I attunement the next step on your pathway which you may like to consider is Reiki II.
You will learn about : The Reiki symbols;  how and where they can be used, their benefits and Distant Healing Techniques. You will receive attunements and there will be plenty of time for questions and practice.

By the end of the course you will have learnt the Reiki Symbols and how to use them, how to use Distant Healing and other techniques, you will have participated in gentle meditation and feel confident using the Reiki symbols. You will have the ability and knowledge to work with people and charge.

You will receive full course notes and a certificate confirming your completion of the course.

By completing the Reiki II workshop you are able to work with other people, information and further support is available 

To book your course please contact me.

The course will run for 2 consecutive days, 
on Saturday please arrive at 9 am for a prompt start at 9.30 am to finish approximately 5pm at The Healing Room, Shoreham by sea. 
Lunch, snacks and refreshments provided.

On Sunday please arrive again at 9 am to finish approximately 4pm.

The cost of this two day course is £320

A non refundable deposit of 
£50 secures your place.

Dates for Reiki II

Weekend 8th & 9th February - fully booked

Weekend 15th & 16th March -  fully booked

Weekend 7th & 8th June - fully booked

Weekend 26th & 27th July -

Weekend 30th & 31st August -

Weekend 11th & 12th October -

VIOLET FLAME Workshop and Attunement

The VIOLET FLAME is a beautiful energy which can help to clear old, stuck energy, cleanse your energy field, removes blockages and helps give energy a boost. 

Although it is not a prerequisite that you are attuned to Reiki, an understanding of energy and how it works and be open to will be helpful.

You will learn about : The Violet Flame symbol, how and where it can be used and the benefits and techniques. 
You will receive attunements and there will be plenty of time for questions and practice.

By the end of the course you will have learnt about the Violet Flame and how to use it, you will have participated in gentle meditation and feel confident using the Violet Flame.

You will receive full course notes and certificate confirming your completion of the course.

To book your course please contact me.
The course will run from  9.30 am - 4pm at The Healing Room, Shoreham by sea.
Please arrive at 9.30 so we can start promptly at 9.45 and we will finish at approximately 4pm.

Next date -

Saturday 22nd March - fully booked

Saturday 5th April - fully booked

Saturday 24th May -

Saturday 21st June -

Saturday 27th September -

Saturday 29th November -

Lunch, snacks and refreshments provided.

The cost of this one day course is £150

A non refundable deposit of £50 secures your place

Reiki Share

Open to Reiki Practioners at level II and above.

An informal way of celebrating and sharing Reiki. Time to talk and share experiences as well as working on each other in small groups. Each person has an opportunity to experience a treatment. The Reiki Share lasts around 2 hours and costs £20.

February - Friday 21st & Monday 24th - fully booked
March -Friday 21st  & Monday 24th - fully booked
April -  Friday 18th, & Monday 21st - 
May - Friday 30th , Saturday 31st & Monday 2nd June
June - Friday 27th, Saturday 28th 
July - Friday 25th & Monday 28th.

For all courses please wear comfortable clothing and I look forward to sharing time and energy with you.


What is an attunement and why do I need one?

Reiki is passed from Master to student in a sacred practice known as an attunement which opens the student to universal energy. Unless an attunement has taken place the student is not able to use Reiki however many books they have read , that does not mean that they are not able to be a spiritual healer. 

What is the difference between a spiritual healer and a Reiki Healer?

A spiritual healer uses their own energy to help other people. When you are using Reiki you are connecting to the universal energy to heal. A spiritual healer may feel exhausted after giving someone a healing as they have run out of energy. When using Reiki you may be a little tired from concentrating but you are working with universal energy which flows through you as well.

I can learn Reiki on line, why do I need to come and do a course?

Reiki is a healing spiritual practice which is passed from Master to student. Each Reiki Master has a lineage and through that you are connected.  To fully embrace the sacred healing properties of Reiki it is imperative to be attuned by a Reiki Master. There are some people which believe that you can be attuned distantly. I'm not one of them.

Why don't you run Reiki I and Reiki II in a weekend as I've seen other places do?

There is a lot to learn! I think its important to have the time and space to take it all in. When learning Reiki I you are understanding about energy, with Reiki II you are also understanding what it takes to work with other people. You may choose to be a Reiki practioner and this is covered in the two day course as well as practising. Ultimately it is for the student to decide
how, where and with whom they choose to begin their Reiki journey.

How long should I wait between doing Reiki I and Reiki II ?

It is my own belief that a period of atleast 3 months works the best. You can never be sure how you will react to a Reiki attunement and the changes which occur afterwards. 

Now you've scared me, I thought it was just a nice day course and then I can work with other people, what do you mean?

As a Reiki Master I will be checking that you as a student are ready and that it is in your best interest to do the course.

Can I charge people after I've been attuned to Reiki II ?

Once you are attuned to Reiki II you can work with other people and charge.

What if I don't want to charge for Reiki and I want to do it for free?

There are many charities, hospitals and hospices, looking for Reiki Practioners who would be willing to give their time to help others.  If you are adding Reiki to an existing practice I would encourage you to work out what you would feel comfortable asking for payment. There is a school of thought, which I agree with, that if you don't have a transaction for your time then Reiki is
seen as worthless.  It does not always have to be a financial transaction and some of my favourite clients have paid me in cakes or flowers picked from their garden. 

Where can I practice Reiki once I've done the courses?

It is my intention to set up Reiki shares which will give a safe space for Reiki to be practised. This will most likely to take place at The Healing Room. 



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